Please review the following FAQs about our charity fishing tournament being held in Naples, Florida!
Come out and help us make this the biggest fishing tournament in Southwest Florida, all while supporting excellence in education!
If you have any questions that are not answered here, please contact us.
Can any member of the public register and participate in the tournament?
Absolutely! We welcome all anglers to participate!
Do I have to be an experienced angler to join?
People with all levels of fishing experience are welcome to join the tournament!
How many people can I register for the event?
You can register an unlimited number of attendees. If you run out of registration room on the website or on the registration form, please email dhull@masonacademy.com and we will assist you in getting registered.
What happens at the Captain’s Meeting?
T-shirt distribution
Tournament tag distribution and official measurement instructions
Question and answer session
Review of tournament rules
Review of safety guidelines and procedures
How do anglers submit their photos?
All photos will be submitted through the iAngler Tournament app for judging. Tournament participants will need to register with the iAngler Tournament website and download their app prior to the competition. (There is no additional cost for this registration or for the app.) ​
Note that this does not refer to the photography contest.
How do anglers submit photos for the photography contest then?
Email photos taken by school-aged children as an attachment to Mrs. Vega at mvega@masonacademy.com for judging. Photos must have been taken on the day of the tournament, should show the young angler with their catch, and must not be digitally altered in any way.
Will there be cash prizes for the largest Redfish, Snook, Trout, and Bass?
Yes! There will be a $1,000 cash prize for the longest catch of each of these three species: Redfish, Snook, and Trout. There will also be a $1,000 prize for the heaviest bass.
Where will the funds raised by the tournament be used?
100% of the proceeds raised will go to benefit Mason Classical Academy, a public charter school located right here in Collier County.
Are there sponsorship opportunities?
Yes! We would love to have you market your business or highlight your family name by sponsoring the tournament. Please click this link for more details. And, remember, Mason Classical Academy is a 501c3 charitable organization, so your sponsorship dollars can be tax deductions. ​
Can I help offset the cost of the tournament by becoming an underwriter?
Yes, we would appreciate your underwriting assistance! Please click here to learn about our current underwriting options. And, if you would like to underwrite the tournament in another capacity, please reach out to us! We will work with you to create an opportunity!​