


For the Teachers
With rising inflation and cost of living increases, it's common for people across the nation to talk about how teachers need to be paid more. Is it just all talk, or can something be done about it? We at MCA believe everything possible should be done to take care of our teachers. Together, let's 'navigate some uncharted territory' by using our fishing tournament to 'hook' them up! MCA teachers are surely 'keepers' ! To this end, 100% of the tournament profits will be divided among 10 randomly selected, tournament-participating, MCA teachers. If we raise $50K, that means 10 MCA teachers will receive $5,000 each! And if we raise more, they'll get even more! These people are the heart and soul of what makes our classical school so special, and we want to do everything in our power to support them and show our deep appreciation for their efforts. Are you with us? Are you 'on board'? If so, please sponsor, underwrite, register, and spread the word far and wide. The more money we raise, the bigger the bonus will be for 10 of our best and brightest.
Fish on!